Tag Archive | Sharon West

House and Office Calls

Since going full-time with reflexology, I have more time for office and home calls. I enjoy relaxing someone in their own space. They can kick back and not have to worry about driving home if they get so relaxed they fall asleep. I  love it plus sometimes I get to meet their family.

Some folks need to get away to the quiet of the office at Sunflower Health. There I have the aroma therapy machine and the sounds of music and water.

Wherever you need to relax, we can work it out. Reflexology  is flexible. All I need are your feet.


Sharon West,RCR                                    731-627-0053

Newbern, TN         Dyersburg, TN at Sunflower Health

Depression and Reflexology

Brian J. Mickey, M.D., PhD, discusses ” The Root of Your Depression”  in esperanza magazine. The synopsis is sorta like this. While this is a complex problem, the major roots of depression are life events, negative perception and neurological processes.

Situational depression can be anything that causes stress like the death of a loved one or loss of a job. Negative perception is when one appraises a situation as bad, even though others do not see it that way. Genetics and environment can influence this. One example of this is childhood abuse. These can often be helped by counseling and stress reduction techniques like Reflexology.  The last one, neurological processes, brain function, may need medication as well as life changes. Most often, it is a combination of all three–a situation triggers the other two.

I love this quote:

” Our human capacities to recognize, accept, and act on our on behalf are our greatest strengths in coping when illness strikes.”


Sharon West, RCR

Sunflower Healh Food

731-0053 or 731-287-